Centre Dentaire Ferney Voltaire
26 Avenue Voltaire, 01210 Ferney-Voltaire
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Dental emergencies 

Our Dental Centre at 26 Av Voltaire in Ferney Voltaire offers a WALK-IN DENTAL EMERGENCY SERVICE from Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 12.00 am.

 Please don’t hesitate to phone XXXXXXXXXXXX to reduce your waiting time.
What is a dental emergency?

There are several types of on-going dental emergencies.
  • Toothache: this can occur in a damaged tooth or, most often, in a badly decayed tooth. The lesion reaches the tooth pulp and the conditions create an inflammation in the nerve of the tooth responsible for this pain. You should contact our Ferney Voltaire Dental Centre as an emergency and absolutely avoid self-medication.
  • A broken tooth: this dental emergency generally concerns children, but also adults carrying out violent sports or who have had an accident.
  • Dental abscesses: this is an accumulation of bacterial germs in a tooth or gum. 

An annual check-up at our Ferney Voltaire Dental Centre at 26 Avenue Voltaire so that your dental surgeon can check the good state of your dental health and carry out a descaling can allow him or her to identify future problems and avoid non-accidental emergencies.

Dental emergency - basic reflexes: 

  • Dental infection: avoid self-medication and contact your dental surgeon within a maximum of 24 hours.
  • Partially broken tooth: retrieve the piece of broken tooth as quickly as possible and then go to the nearest dental centre.
  • Totally loosened tooth: retrieve the lost tooth, holding it by the top and not by the root and protect it. Rinse the wound with clean water and take a painkiller, but not an aspirin.
The cure will depend on the promptness of the medical team’s intervention


The departmental governing body of Dental Surgeons organises an on-call service for Sundays and bank holidays. You can get the contact details of the on-call dentist by telephoning any police station in Ferney Voltaire.

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, from 09.00 am to 07.00 pm (closed for lunch from 1.30 to 2.30 pm)

Ferney Voltaire Dental Center 
26 Avenue Voltaire
01210 Ferney-Voltaire 

From France call us on 04 44 89 00 17

From Switzerland dial   022 501 77 90

If you are in France or Switzerland, please phone to make an appointment.

04 44 89 00 17
022 501 77 90

Book an appointment online (you must have a Swiss or French mobile phone number for confirmation)


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© COPYRIGHT Dental Center Ferney Voltaire 2019
Dentist 26 Avenue Voltaire 01210 Ferney Voltaire Tel: 04 44 89 00 17